Abbott – Customer Testimonial

Abbott – Customer Testimonial

Client Abbott - Customer Testimonial

Date 2019

Scope of work Documentary - Customer testimonial

An inspiring story about a successful recipient of the HeartMate II, a medical device that is a small valve given to patients in need of a heart transplant. This medical device allows patients to continue living their standard quality of life while waiting for a much needed heart transplant completely revolutionizing the traditional pacemaker. 

Pre-production to post-production: storyboarding, scriptwriting, directing, filming, and editing was handled by TOFU Media Japan. It was our job to screen and secure the subjects with the help of Abbott’s corporate staff.  We also handled all of the location scouting and just about everything else that went into this video production. This video also required rights and clearance to make sure medical industry advertisement policies, laws and regulations were in line with the content filmed.

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